
Structure And Function Of The Skin

Structure And Function Of The Skin

Skin is the largest organ in the body that protects body against external harmful agents. Basically, skin consists of 2 layers

  1. Epidermis layer

It is outer layer of skin that it consists of different layers. The outer layer of epidermis includes dead cells that compressed together and called Stratum corneum that it is ‘horny layer’ of epidermis.

Cells in stratum corneum are like a physical barrier to protect body from entering harmful chemicals and microbes.

  1. Dermis layer

It is located below the Epidermis layer. The function of this layer provides the firmness and elasticity for the skin.

The dermis layer consists of:

1.Collagen protein fibers which are the main compounds of the skin that strengthen it.

2.Elastin protein fibers that gives elasticity to the skin.

3.Gel-like material (Matrix gel), which retains water in the skin. The Matrix is rich in polysaccharides.

Increasing age could affect “collagen bio-synthesis”, these effects reduce Matrix gel and destroy the specific structure of the skin. All of this together causes thinning, loosening and drooping of the skin so the wrinkles will be appeared.

Skin functions:

In all references functions of skin are being explained with two categories; Sensation and Protection. But Rejuline believes that there is another important field of function in which skin plays the role; Characterization and Beauty. The color and type of the skin basically helps us to recognize people from each other’s.

“Finger print” belongs to the skin too.

Some functions in details are as following:

  1. Preventing dehydration
  2. Preventing infection
  3. Skin is a Physical barrier to injury:
  4. Protecting against ultraviolet light injury
  5. Thermoregulation
  6. Metabolism: The skin itself has a metabolic function. About 20% of outflow of its energy goes on metabolic exchanges.